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Volume 4

VOLUME 4:1 – WINTER 1993

James M. Donovan, A Philosophical Ground for Gays’ Rights: “We Must Learn What Is True In Order To Do What Is Right”, 4 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 1 (1993).


Bruce Ledewitz & Scott Staples, No Punishment Without Cruelty, 4 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 41 (1993).


John L. Costello, Jr., Closing the Floodgates Causes Spillover: Virginia’s New Rule for Joint Criminal Trials, 4 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 67 (1993).


Charlotte LeMoyne, The Unresolved Problem of Race Hate Speech in Labor Union Elections, 4 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 77 (1993).


VOLUME 4:2 – SUMMER 1994

Michael Finch, Fairness and Finality in Institutional Litigation: The Lessons of School Desegregation, 4 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 109 (1994).


George Steven Swan, Professor Lani Guinier and Constitutional Majority Rule: Her Concurrent Majority Reappraised, 4 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 207 (1994).


Nadine Strossen, Civil Liberties, 4 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 253 (1994).


Leonard A. Bennett, The Impossibility of Impartiality: Interest in Judicial Reflection As a Denial of Due Process For a Criminal Defendant, 4 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 275 (1994).

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