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Volume 10


Steffen N. Johnson, A Civil Libertarian Case for the Constitutionality of School Choice, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 1 (2000).


Steven K. Green, Private School Vouchers and the Confusion Over “Direct” Aid, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 47 (2000).


Allan E. Parker, Jr. & R. Clayton Trotter, Hostility or Neutrality? Faith-Based Schools and Tax-Funded Tuition: A CI Bill for Kids, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 83 (2000).


Richard W. Garnett, Education Reform at the Crossroads: Politics, the Constitution, and the Battle Over School Choice, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 107 (2000).


Joseph P. Viteritti, School Choice: The Next Civil Rights Crusade?, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 115 (2000).


Scott W. Somerville, The History and the Politics of School Choice, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 121 (2000).


Clint Bolick, The Third Civil Rights Movement, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 133 (2000).


John F. Witte, School Choice in Action: The Milwaukee Voucher Program, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 139 (2000).


Jeffrey Sutton, The Ohio Voucher Program, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 151 (2000).


Elliot Mincberg, Vouchers, the Constitution and the Court, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 155 (2000).


Myron Lieberman, Choice and Action, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 161 (2000).


Bob Smith, School Choice in Action, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 167 (2000).


Alexi Nicole Vital, Mandatory Reporting Statutes and the Violence Against Women Act: An Analytical Comparison, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 171 (2000).


Cassandra M. Chin, Holding the Publisher of a “Murder Manual” Liable for Aiding and Abetting Murder: A Travesty Against Free Speech, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 205 (2000).


VOLUME 10:2 – SUMMER 2000

Keith R. Fentonmiller & Herbert Semmel, Where Age and Disability Discrimination Intersect: An Overview of the ADA for the ADEA Practitioner, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 227 (2000).


Teresa A. Miller, Sex & Surveillance: Gender, Privacy & the Sexualization of Power in Prison, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 291 (2000).


Melissa L. Tatum, Group Identity: Changing the Outsider’s Perspective, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 357 (2000).


Will Consovoy, Automobiles as Weapons: New York City’s Misapplication of Civil Forfeiture, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 397 (2000).


Rina Martinez, Saenz v. Roe: The Court Breathes New Life into to the Privileges or Immunities Clause More than a Century After Its “Slaughter”, 10 Geo. Mason U. C.R.L.J. 439 (2000).

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