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Volume 20

VOLUME 20:1 – FALL 2009

George M. Dery, III, Good Enough for Government Work: The Court’s Dangerous Decision, In Herring v. United States, To Limit the Exclusionary Rule to Only the Most Culpable Police Behavior, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 1 (2009).


Dawinder S. Sidhu, Wartime America and the Wire: A Response to Posner’s Post-9/11 Constitutional Framework, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 37 (2009).


Karen L. Herlihy, Artful Dodging: How Hall v. Nalco Avoids the Conflict Between Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Absenteeism under the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 83 (2009).


Patrick J. McDonald, Cerqueira v. American Airlines: What are the Appropriate Limits of an Air Carrier’s Permissive Refusal Power?, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 111 (2009).


VOLUME 20:2 – SPRING 2010

Lynn Ridgeway Zehrt, Retaliation’s Changing Landscape, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 143 (2010).


Eric E. Johnson, Intellectual Property’s Need for a Disability Perspective, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 181 (2010).


Paul Benjamin Linton, Esq., Same-Sex Marriage and the New Mexico Equal Rights Amendment, 209 (2010).


Steven J. Fugelsang, Reconciling Lawrence v. Texas with “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: The Value of the Cook v. Gates Intermediate- Deferential Approach, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 237 (2010).


Chen Li, Public Funding After Davis v. FEC: Is Campaign Finance Reform in the States Still Legally Viable?, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 279 (2010).


VOLUME 20:3 – SUMMER 2010

Emily L. Stark, Get A Room: Sexual Device Statutes and the Legal Closeting of Sexual Identity, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 315 (2010).


Josh Blackman, This Lemon Comes as a Lemon: Them Lemon Test and the Pursuit of A Statute’s Sexual Purpose, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 351 (2010).


Malvina J. Hryniewicz, The Definition of “Major Life Activity” Under Adams v. Rice is Not “Substantially Limiting”, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 417 (2010).


Nathaniel S. Canfield, The Fallacy of Publius as Spammer: Jaynes v. Commonwealth of Virginia and the Proper Doctrine for Reviewing State Anti-Spam Law, 20 Geo. Mason C.R.L.J. 449 (2010).

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